Friday, December 08, 2006

what's next...


so Bobby stayed on a stretcher in the ER all night with Steven and didn't get turned and didn't get fed and didn't get his meds on time and they searched an entire 20 story hospital for the kind of Gtube this nursing home doctor wants and they couldn't find one so they sent him back with the same tube in place in other words a totally wasted visit... your tax dollars at work

my poor son has lost over 30 pounds in the last 6 weeks from not being fed properly and this is while he is trying to heal a surgical abdominal wound

Steven got home around 2 or 3 am i got some sleep before and some more after

we had an appointment at the lung cancer center today and basically they don't see any point in doing anything besides what my gynoncologist is doing - chemo

after that appointment i went for chemo again today aloxi/decadron/topotecan

after that we went to the NH to see Bobby

these folks have decided not to use the Texas Catheter anymore they are just going to let him pee his pants instead so he will be laying in cold wet diapers all the time

He has an intake of 4000cc per day with all the unneccesary flushes they give him

They only check him once or twice a shift He pees 1000 at a time The pee is going to be running off the bed on to the floor I hope the farking (thanks ed) doctor slips and falls on her Farking posterior /rolls over on her farking face and Drowns in his Farking pee. Now isn't that a pretty picture... yessssssss... I told you all I was going straight to hell because I am so evil. Just an aside... she has the worst haircut I have ever seen... It looks like a kindergartener on crack attacked her with plastic scissors.

one of the nonenglish speaking nurses brought out Bobby's empty liquid vitamin bottle at like 4pm so we had to come home and I am staying home and steven is going back

i am pretty tired

i can feel all your little vodoo pinpricks all day and all night

keep up the "bad" work

there are still a few spots up for adoption go back a few entries and check

don't waste any negative energy that you could be directing at those nasty little malignant spots

no spell check tonight - straight to post

love to all



Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

You are Superwoman. I feel bad for your son.

I never met a hospital I didn't not like. I think Will Rogers said that, but I have no proof.

9:23 PM  
Blogger Pat said...

That's it!! The gloves are off!
First: May you blasted anterior mediastinal lymph nodes be hurled from Fairscape's body, multiply by the thousands, and then manifest inside (and fester, too, while you are at it!) inside every single person who has ever mistreated or harmed Bobby! And stay there!
Second: Since the medical profession seems to see fit to do nothing (or at least, nothing right) for our dear Fairscape and family - I'm thinking of alerting the media!
In short - I'm thoroughly pissed off!!!!!!!!!

6:18 AM  
Blogger CCCCppppCCppp said...


i just don't think media involvement would be right for us now

i have plans to contact my attorney for a meeting with the facillity next week

he's a doll

the nausea last night was awful

all i have right now is a little privacy and my anominity

6:28 AM  
Blogger R said...

attorney meeting = good idea, I think.

would like to invite Bobby to come and live in England. With ma and pa installed nearby, of course.

Can Bobby sit in a wheelchair? Better view of the world that way.

Shall name the marshmallows I'm toasting tonight after various malignant bits and watch them char and melt and then get eaten and be gone.

9:30 AM  
Blogger Pat said...

No worries Fairscape! 'Twas honestly most bluff and bluster (the threat, leastways...definitely not the anger!)

10:00 AM  
Blogger Oh great One said...

You are super woman. You know that right? Not many could handle your load.

Curse you prevascular lymph nodes!

2:40 PM  
Blogger Overboard said...

Do hope your weekend has ended on a better note than that upon which it started.
I'm sure that this week will be much, much better.

1:24 AM  
Blogger caramaena said...

I think the meeting with the attorney is a good idea. I'm so angry that you need to do that at all, mind you.

By the way, I'm taking all this anger and directing it at your superior mediastinal lymph nodes, so they should be feeling a real blast by now.

3:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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4:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I know this site that has a variety of top whole food vitamin supplements. I've been using them for over a year, and they have products from multivitamins, to weight loss supplements. Check it out at. vitamin for skin

3:35 AM  

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