Wednesday, November 29, 2006

prejudicial treatment

Lately my "Malignant Spots"(hereafter known as my MS) have been getting a bit sniffy. We had a little chat the other day.

"Oh fairsCaPe, what's wrong, why do you hate us so, what did we do?"they boo hoo-ed.

"Don't be lame!", says I. "You've metastasized!"

"Oh no, we never, not us..." they assured me.

"Really?" says I "Then would you mind explaining what you are doing in my LUNG ?"

"Oh, that.", says MS "We was on vacation. You know, just travelin' around... just a harmless little excursion..."

"Harmless? And how was I supposed to breathe properly while you set up housekeeping in there? You're going to have to go!"

"Oh boo hoo...sniff sniff... we can't go back...we only got a one way ticket... besides, we like it here...there's lots of oxygen...and we can hear things better when you talk and sing... you do have such a lovely voice fairsCaPe..."

"You're nothing but a bunch of nonpaying tenants as far as I'm concerned." says I.

"You know, hating us is like hating hating the shape of your nose or the color of your skin." says MS.

"I could get a nose job and a tan, no problem." says I. "Listen, I've had it with you'd better pack up your junk... the port goes in next week and then I start chemo and you'll all be kicked to the curb, out in the snow, by xmas eve."

I said this last bit in my most evil Landlord voice.

I've dealt with difficult tenants's always wise to get professional help.


Blogger Fuff said...

Evict the bastards. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

4:46 AM  
Blogger Overboard said...

And close the door on y'er way out!

1:37 PM  
Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

Do shots of tequila count as chemo? You’re a lot stronger than I am.

I did post a negative thought as per your last post, just a bit behind the power curve - sorry...

3:16 PM  
Blogger Pat said...

"Look ye filthy buggers - O U T. Out with ye, I say! You heard me. OUT. Out. OUt. OUT. O U T!! Vacation my arse! Now out with ye afore I forget I'm a lady!"

"And as to ye dirty rotten anterior mediastinal lymph nodes -- a triple Hex on ye and yer children's children too!

4:04 PM  
Blogger N said...

And take your stupid friends in those retoperitoneal lymph nodes on the way out! And if you left any of your crappy cohorts in the cervix, tell them to get lost too! We don't like your kind around here!!!

Anyway, you are leaving that body whether you want to or not. You can have it your way or our way, but your way would be alot easier!

4:54 PM  
Blogger N said...

And take your stupid friends in those retoperitoneal lymph nodes on the way out! And if you left any of your crappy cohorts in the cervix, tell them to get lost too! We don't like your kind around here!!!

Anyway, you are leaving that body whether you want to or not. You can have it your way or our way, but your way would be alot easier!

4:55 PM  
Blogger N said...

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4:55 PM  
Blogger jin said...

I LOVE your perspective on things fairsCaPe!

Tonight at dinner I explained to my husband about your previous post & what you asked us all to do. He smiled...I mean REALLY smiled, dimples and all! We both agree, the power of the mind is incredible! Then we both swore at your nodule in your right middle lung. :-)

11:41 PM  
Blogger Oh great One said...

You go girl! Kick the *bleep* out of those *bleeeep*!

11:34 AM  
Blogger Pat said...

Listen all ye filthy MS spots - and especially you no-good anterior mediastinal lymph nodes - this is war. Our dear F is having the port put in today and you are HISTORY!!! Do you hear me??? HISTORY!!!! Scat NOW, while can still scat on your own. Otherwise, this is WAR ... and F has an army on her side!!!

1:13 PM  
Blogger CCCCppppCCppp said...

While it would be nice to get the port dealythingy done today I'm afraid it is scheduled for next week. I have no problem fibbing to the "MS" as an eviction technique, however, I try to be honest with you guys. Actually, I'm going for a colonoscopy on Sunday afternoon.

1:49 AM  
Blogger Pat said...

Sowwy 'bout dat F! I was trusting my memory on the date thing for the port...I should know better! Still in all, dem dare MS spots and dose blasted anterior mediastinal lymph nodes had better watch out 'cuz it's an army wots after 'em sure enough!!

Best of luck to you on your colonoscopy.

4:51 PM  
Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

'sup wit u? Hope all is well, gotta light that candle.

12:56 PM  
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