Saturday, November 18, 2006

dirty deed done I will be going straight to hell.

We placed Bobby in a long term care ventilator unit in a skilled nursing facility close to home yesterday. It is shiny and new and bright and clean and has wall oxygen and wall suction and finches and an aquarium and doctors and nurses and respiratory therapists and did I tell you it is shiny and new.

It is not home and he knows it.

I don't know if I will ever stop crying.

They won't let me touch him. "Facility Policy". Oh, I'm allowed to comb his hair. They wouldn't even let me stay in the room while they did his admission physical which is really stupid and terribly old fashioned. I am supposed to explain how I take care of him without showing them and then I have to leave the room and they get it all wrong and I come in and he is writhing in pain but that's Ok because I didn't touch him.

This is the place I fought to get him into (rather than one or two hours away).

Be careful what you wish for.

I am currently wishing for lymphoma because it seems to be the lesser of two evils verses metastatic cervical cancer.

Biopsy on the 21st...hopefully ,results by the end of next week. They have decided to go after the mass an my anterior abdominal wall rather than my paraortic lymph nodes as it will be easier to access. They have promised to knock me out for this.

Oh goody.


Blogger Edward said...


That is supposed to denote a hug. I don't know what to say, but I can give those with the best of them.

5:14 PM  
Blogger Overboard said...

It must be so frustrating. Not only do you have to live with the heartbreak involved that comes with caring for a sick child, but the 21st century now makes it even more difficult and distressing for parents, what with their useless, pointless rules and policies. A friend of mine is in a similar situation over in Japan and had to fight to be able to visit his newborn son more than the allotted 3 times a day.
A pox on these silly rules. A pox on them all.

Hugs to you. I am a friend of Fuff.


2:18 AM  
Blogger caramaena said...

Oh fairscape, how heartbreaking. *hugs*

Wishing you the lesser of two evils and an end to stupid rules.

3:01 AM  
Blogger Fuff said...

I don't know what to say F. Take care. I truly hope things gets better quickly for you xxx

4:38 PM  
Blogger jin said...

Sending you all the love & light I can muster...
**cyber hugs**

5:51 PM  
Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

It's coming at you from all sides. The more I see of caregivers and their shiny facilites the less I think of them. I had a policy with the crappy nurse at the hospitaly wife was in - she ever ignored my wife again and I'd put a boot up her ass. We got some attention after that.

11:10 AM  
Blogger N said...

today is the 21st and i am thinking of you today. hope everything is going okay.

12:11 PM  
Blogger R said...

They can stick their 'company policy' where the sun don't shine. Sign a disclaimer if they want but they are not banning you from touching your boy. No way, no how.

Would home nursing be possible at all?

5:27 AM  

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