Thursday, October 19, 2006

A trip to the ER

OH well...

My body has been mean to me even though I have tried to be nice to it.

It is hard to visit the ER by yourself. Especially if your hair is messy. Always comb your hair before you go. People will treat you better. Always take an advocate other wise you will need to bring your own luxuries, You know like pillows or blankets. Unless you have someone with you you will need to yell loudly; not try to be quiet and sniffle to yourself if you have pain or nausea. Once you throw up 4 liters of fluid at once people will take you a bit more seriously and you will get what you need so don't suppress just let fly. Demand lab work and xrays. You have your rights! Don't be surprised if things actually turn out to be wrong. Be prepared to leave rapidly when they decide it is time for you to go even if no one can pick you up for a few or more hours.And remember;Have fun!


Blogger Fuff said...

Hope you feel better soon Fairscape. My grandfather refused to go to hospital all his life, reckoned they'd finish him off.

9:18 AM  
Blogger jin said...

Awww...wish I could have jumped through the monitor & helped you.

Do take care of yourself.
Sending you healing thoughts.

*cyber hugs*

8:22 PM  
Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

Most emergency rooms are like refugee camps - the staff are the roughest looking of the bunch.

Hope you are ok!!

5:25 PM  
Blogger caramaena said...

Oh that doesn't sound good at all. I hope you're feeling much better now.

6:20 AM  

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