Tuesday, November 07, 2006

pet scan

a pet scan is kind of like a cat scan except much longer
it reminded me of the sensory deprivation tank in that movie "Altered States"
you lie on a comfy table/bed that slides into a long dark tube-like machine
you must keep your eyes closed and not move or speak for about a half hour
before the scan they check your blood sugar and inject you with radioactive glucose
you have to stay still and not talk
they make you drink barium sulfate...yummmm bariummmm...
i took a vicodan to help me stay still(my idea)so my back wouldn't hurt while i was flat
the worst part for me was not talking ( i am such a chatter box)
poor steven was a wreck
i should have given him one of my vicodans
we went to visit bobby upstairs after
he seemed pretty chipper but he has a raging case of the poops from antibiotics and his bottom


Blogger Fuff said...

You got it over and done with, goo on you. I'd have needed to have been gagged and bound.
Hope all goes well and Bobby keeps improving.

4:32 PM  
Blogger Fuff said...

Good not goo, erk.

4:33 PM  
Blogger jin said...

*crossing my fingers for you*

8:25 PM  
Blogger caramaena said...

Half an hour? Goodness, I'd never manage it. Good luck with the results.

4:44 AM  

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