Sunday, April 16, 2006


home care
Here it is Easter Sunday and everyone is still asleep. What fun it was when we were kids to go one one of Dad's Easter Hunts. I tried to create the same fun for my guys when they were little. We'd all be up at the crack of dawn looking for the first clue in the hunt. Funny how it was usually under Dad's pillow...the Easter Bunny would send them down to the basement to the dryer and there would be candy there with a clue to look up in the attic, then to the garage, then back to Mom and Dad's room. All in all there would be candy hidden in about 30 places . One year the Easter Bunny forgot to number the clues and we were finding candy for months after because someone found something out of sequence. The only rule was not to eat any candy until after breakfast which the kids happily helped to prepare. Don't think they didn't sneak a little bit before though... then after they ate as much as they wanted. It didin't matter if they felt icky afterwards, it helped them to learn to set their own limits. I loved my childhood as much as I loved being the mother of three boys. Not that things were always perfect, far from it, but I treasure the happy memories. Life goes by too fast. Don't blink...


Blogger Tiffanie said...

What a neat idea! Numbering the clues and having them look. I will do that next year.

1:18 PM  

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