Saturday, January 06, 2007

understanding fairsCaPe

As my time remaining is limited I thought I would try to clarify fairsCaPe while I can.

Once upon a time there was a married lady whose husband got bonked on the head by 4 tons of concrete at work. The married lady tried very hard to keep this marriage together for her children. It didn't work. The married lady met a married man whose wife was "exploring" her sexuality with other ladies. His marriage wasn't working very well either.

These two were poets.

They met at poetry readings and workshops and went out with groups of other poets to a wonderful poetry venue called The Paris Cafe where they had more fun vertically than most people do horizontally. Eventually they explored the horizontal (blush).

The Paris Cafe closed . By now the two poets had set up a domestic partnership but as they were still technically married to the bonked man and the lesbian respectively they could not call their home a marriage so they anagramed "Paris Cafe" and became "fairsCaPe". They had poetry readings and workshops at their home and wrote profusely and self published "chap books" on the PC.

The lady part of fairsCaPe (me) felt that anything she wrote subsequent to meeting the man part (Steven) was partially attributable to both and so I feel I am not just me, I am fairsCaPe.

Just in case anyone was interested.

Sometimes I write in voices other than my own natural female voice. People are so used to poetry being so confessional these days that they infer that the voice of the poem is actually the voice of the poet and that I am a man.

Men do not get cervical cancer. I have metastatic cervical cancer. Maybe I will come back as a man next time, but, this time I am a woman.

Steven and I are married. It will be 5 years as of the spring equinox. We have never had an anniversary party and I would like to have one. Now that I can't take the one drug that might have kept me going for another year I guess I better plan a party for this equinox.

Please lend me your strength to get there.

Love to All,



Blogger R said...

You have all my strength. Every scrap of it. Even the bits that technically should be employed elsewhere.

5:56 AM  
Blogger Overboard said...

You have all my strength, too. It's special Pyramid Power and I hope it protects you.

9:17 AM  
Blogger Pat said...

Also mine. I want you around for exactly as long as you want to be around, my dear...not a minute less, you hear? And if I can talk you into longer, I'll start talking right this very second and never shut up!

12:17 PM  
Blogger Overboard said...

Yes, don't go anywhere too far, too soon. This is very sad. I want you to get better. I can understand what you are going through but realise that it can't be understood. Please stay. By the way, if you haven't had much chemo yet because of it being icky, then there's a chance that my own saviour, the coffee enema, might help. They are supposed to be great pain relievers, too. I'd send you mine but left it on the farking boat in Mexico. Doh. Ashully, if you are interested, I'm ordering a new one today and will gladly send one your way. You never know! :)
You know, I have too much to say but I don't know you but I do and I do care and I feel awful that you are having to go through this and I wish I had magic powers like what Superman has.
Thinking of you lots and lots and lots and lots.

3:06 PM  
Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

Aim high. The medical industry is coming up with something new every day, just have to hope and pray they come up with something. I did see an ad on TV for an alternative holistic cancer center; have to see if I can find the name.

I don’t have any neat stories about how I came up with my name, other then I was once known as “Anthrax Bob” because of a little problem I had with the Anthrax vaccine. Medical science, especially the drug side doesn’t always get it right. I guess I decided to stick with the NBC theme since I was kind of involved.

Anyway, you can bet we’re all pulling for you.

6:40 PM  
Blogger Fuff said...

Sending you all and any strength I have Fairscape. Don't give up.

6:54 PM  
Blogger caramaena said...

You can have all the strength you need from me as well.

The fairsCaPe story is very sweet. I always wondered why the capital c and p.

1:21 AM  
Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

Winter wind on my face
words that chill me
speak them no more

2:22 AM  
Blogger jin said...

I too always wondered why the C & P were capitalized. I knew you'd have a good reason.

Thank you so much for sharing your story!

Sending you strength & healing light. Stick with us!

2:42 AM  
Blogger KateOnTheGo said...

Here's my strength. Its not the strongest of strength, but its done me okay for the last couple of years. With my strength and everyone elses strength, me thinks you are going to be just fine. :)

1:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How sweet how you guys got together. The Paris Cafe sounds very Toulouse-Lautrec, poets sat round, sipping absinthe... :)

You've got my strength, I'm really rooting for you.

3:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i would b happy 2 give u my life if i could but it isnt possibles so i will will u strenght 2 make it thru

8:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing that story.

7:45 AM  
Blogger N said...

What a cool freaking story. Wish I had known all this sooner. You don't need my strength, you are already a much, much stronger person than I. Just don't be afraid, fairscape, because you will know how to handle whatever gets thrown your way.

Except maybe a leaky roof, I guess.

10:19 AM  
Blogger Edward said...

I liked not knowing why the C and P were capitalized. *sigh*

2:05 AM  
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1:30 PM  
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12:38 AM  
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6:21 AM  
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10:50 PM  

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