Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Birds of a feather...

may flock together under ordinary circumstances but not always. Lately I have seen a variety of different birds flocking together on my front lawn. There are mourning doves, robins, orchard orioles, starlings, mockingbirds, finches, sparrows, cowbirds, woodpeckers and a number of other birds I have had trouble identifying even with my trusty copy of Peterson's Guide. This is unusual. In addition to seeing so many different kinds of birds all out there at the same time they are out there in the pouring rain. It has been raining for days. It may be that the worms have all come up to the surface to escape drowning. It may be that some specie of insect has hatched. I don't spray poisons on the lawn so things do live out there. I do not see birds across the street where they do poison. It has all been very entertaining. I am quite a cheap date aren't I?

Blogger has eaten my most recent attempt at publishing. If you are reading this I succeeded this time.


Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

All I get are the trash birds - winged rats. I quit putting food out, except for the humming bird feeder.

10:08 PM  
Blogger caramaena said...

I have two cats so you'd think the birds would all be warned off - nope... I have one little willy wagtail that will scold and chase my cats inside!

That bird 'owns' my front yard. heheh

6:25 AM  
Blogger Fuff said...

I could watch birds all day.

4:40 PM  

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