Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Life,The Universe and Everything

(OK,OK, I know I stole this Title)

I wish people could understand that to Hubby and me , what we are doing here is not extraordinary. We are not extraordinary people. We are a bit sloppy, somewhat lazy, fairly judgmental and we don't bathe frequently enough. We don't get out often and are therefore unpractised at the social graces. We work closely together and do not say please and thank you every time we ask for something, which is OK unless we are working with someone else. If it weren't for Sonnyboy our friends and acquaintances would think of us as that somewhat peculiar vegetarian couple who vote Green and write poetry.

We have been thrown into extraordinary circumstances. Sonnyboy never had a chance. He was damaged at conception, and who knows probably even before conception. He was born with an extra chromosome. An extra X. This condition is known as Klinefelters Syndrome. In addition to this there was a "stress" to the pregnancy at approx. 28 days, before I even knew I was pregnant(my first test came up negative). This caused one cell to mess up and Sonnyboy was born with multiple parts missing. They OB and the Sono people chose to believe their was nothing really wrong and I was encouraged to give birth in a local hospital rather than a facility with a NICU. Sonnyboy was in big trouble right away (Apgar 2). He received less than optimal treatment, was baptized (they thought he was going to die) and suffered brain damage from a lack of oxygen before a transport team arrived from the NICU 45 minutes away. After he was intubated and had an IV started he did look better and he spent the next 7 weeks in NICU had a huge amount of surgery and came home . The surgeon admitted that had Sonnyboy been born five years earlier he would have died the first day.

Wow, this is stressful, I didn't know where I was going when I started this post and it is wearing. I think I will stop here and pick up on this at another time. Thanks.


Blogger caramaena said...

Sending you virtual hugs from Australia.

You know, sometimes extraordinary people really just are ordinary people dealing with extraordinary circumstances.

7:29 AM  
Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

I trust doctors about as far as I can pick them up and throw them. I've said it before and I'll say it again - I couldn't imagine trying to make it through life without a dedicated partner.

8:43 PM  
Blogger jin said...

I still think what you do is extraordinary. I mean, it's not just going through the motions...you seem to go that extra mile...that's what makes it so special.
The 'average' person would not even try to take care of him at home.
Not only do you do that, now you're trying to give him time outside, in the warm air, sunlight, trees...that's a very genuine gift you're giving him.

Just my $.02 anyway.
Oh, & the 'social graces' thing? It's WAY overrated, you aren't missing a thing!!!

8:52 PM  
Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

The heck with society. I want to extend the wall around my yard and put wire on top. The wife won't go for it though.

Hey, what about the Captain and Tenille - come on, Muskrat Love? Surely I can poke fun at them??

11:52 PM  
Blogger Tiffanie said...

I just wanted to let you know I am reading and listening.

12:05 PM  

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