Saturday, June 03, 2006


I was born blond. Brother is blond, hubbies A+B blond, #1+#2 sons blond, Sonnyboy blond. Current Hubby is not blond, so not blond that if you wrapped him up in a turban and shot him the FBI would pay you whatever they're offering for Osama. Hubby hates it when I say this as he is adopted and who knows and he doesn't like being compared to mass murderers. People used to alternatively scream out Manson or Jesus at him as we walked along. He is actually quite beautiful. I am always having to throw buckets of cold water on gay guys who try to chat him up.
Anyways back to the blond thing. With age the blond thing has matured into what has variously been described as dark ash blond,dirty blond, mouse brown or light brown with blond highlights. Hubby says I have honey colored hair and is amazed at how if you look at each hair individually I have everything from platinum blond to black growing out of my head. Since I was a kid I wanted long straight black hair like a Polynesian Princess.
Blond people get a lot of bad press. Dumb blond jokes abound. Bleached blond remarks are unpleasant. It is just not a pretty stereotype. Why then, do so many women "go blond" and why are men so attracted to blond women? Is it some sort of Darwinian thing? Are blonds recognized a genetic recessives ready to be dominated ?


Blogger Cheshire Cat said...

Your hair sounds positively beautiful! And assuming your hubby doesn't have the hairy face thing going (like Osama or ZZ Top band members), he sounds delish, too.

A lot of women "go blond" because men seem to find light-haired women more attractive. Dark-haired women by far are more abundant than light-haired ones and that might be part of the attraction, as naturally blond women would be more "precious" and rare...

At any rate, I'm one of the many dark-haired females. While I've never wanted to be blond, I have been known to wish for red hair. :-)

9:43 AM  
Blogger CCCCppppCCppp said...


he does have the hairy face thing going

he's still "delish"

4:03 AM  
Blogger Cheshire Cat said...

No, no, sorry, no hairy face thingy, lol. ;-)

12:16 PM  
Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

I heard blondes will soon be a thing of the past, genetically speaking, Clairol will see they don't actually vanish.

All this fuss about hair is stupid anyway - we don't need it anymore (human kind was once covered with hair) and if you do have any on the top of your noggin (I do not) then just be happy it is any color at all.

1:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ya blondes r an endangers species i saw it on discovery

2:54 PM  
Blogger Pat said...

Over the course of my lifetime my natural haircolor has spanned the spectrum from white, to copper penny red, to brown, back to white/gray ... and now mostly thinning and going, going, gone!

6:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i hope everythink is ok u

3:58 PM  
Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

My hair is so thin I just put "flesh" in the blank on any application that asks for hair color

11:32 PM  

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