Friday, September 29, 2006

#1 son- or- Life is Strange

I haven't had much to say about #1 son.

#1 son dated a girl who while bright and average looking was But then #1 son while quite bright and average looking was somewhat...well... odd also. Make no mistake, I love him dearly but he took after his father, #1 husband who was while bright...etc,well you get the picture. #1 son did not get along with husband #2 and while most people have turmoil during their teens I can only describe #1 sons teenage years as The Days of Anguish. While there were no overt acts of homicide or suicide there was much discussion both in front of, and behind my back. I feared we might make the tabloid headlines. As #2 husband quietly exited and #3 Hubby-to-be entered the picture Things seemed to simmer down. #1 son was a late bloomer and when Odd Girlfriend entered the picture we were all initially quite happy and relieved. Initially. Odd Girlfriend it seemed had even Odder Parents who she endlessly complained about and before we knew it Odd Girlfriend was basically living with us. I watched in amusement and then horror as Odd Girlfriend systematically stripped #1 son of all his friends and social contacts. We waited for these friendships to be replaced by friends of Odd Girlfriend but it turned out she had no friends of her own. Then her mother died. After she finished off the last of #1 son's friendships she went to work on us. It was subtle at first but then her behaviors and lies became more overt. We waited for #1 son to see the light but it turned out love is truly blind. Eventually, it became a situation of him believing her or me and he chose to leave with her. Despite repeated attempts he spurned my gestures at contact and reconciliation. I finally gave up. Heartbroken. Ruined.

When it became clear that my mother was about to die three years ago I had #2 son call #1 son to invite him for a last visit. He had not seen his grandmother for ages and as she had ADORED him I felt it would be a gift to her if we could get him to come and visit. He did. Once. She died two months later (I hospiced her at home). Imagine my surprise when he showed up at her funeral with Odd Girlfriend (now Odd Wife-No I did not get invited to that wedding). Odd Wife cried Inconsolably throughout her visit. Life is strange.

After my mother died I found out I had cancer. I had a number of conversations with #1 son, but, one day I asked him for help with some thing and he refused to talk to me ever after. Then when Sonnyboy was really sick a year ago he came and sat with us while he was in the OR for about 3 hours . ( I didn't mention Both Odd son and Odd wife are both RNs in the OR where Sonnyboy and I wind up now and then). Life is Strange.

Last May #2 son's Lovely Girlfriend had a combination Birthday/Graduation Party. #1 son and Odd Wife were there. I spoke to them but they didn't respond. I don't get it. He can talk to me for hours when she is not around but when she is I'm shit? How many times can a son break his mother's heart? I feel sorry for them. Life Is Strange.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Is Halloween the new Xmas?

Well they have done every thing possible to ruin one perfectly good holiday, why not mess up another? The stores and home shopping catalogs have gone crazy with Halloween decorations. Orange and black lights and giant sized inflatables fill the neighborhood. No one makes their own costumes. People throw elaborate parties. Hardly anyone goes trick or treating anymore. I know its just a matter of time before we all start sending Halloween cards and buying each other Halloween gifts. Imagine Halloween office parties with Halloween grab bags. Formal Halloween family dinners with relatives flying in from out of town . Halloween musack at the Mall. Oh, The Horror.

Monday, September 11, 2006

or not...

Oh well back to the drawing board.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

blogger beta

Before I make the switch I will wait for them to fix the problems. The biggest problem for me is that I can't post comments to blogs that have made the switch. I understand that beta bloggers can't post to me now as I have not changed. There has to be a solution... all the smartipants google people are working on it. I got it!

Friday, September 08, 2006


Just back from the oncologist and I get an A on my report card. Now I have to wait for lab work but everything looks good. I am half way to my 5 year survival. I have to see the radiation oncologist in December but I don't have to see today's doctor until next June. Hoooooray!!!!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Ernesto sneezes

We got a lot of wind and a bit of rain out of this one. I just hope it doesn't make everyone too complacent when the next one approaches. Blew down a few leaves and a couple of branches and howled a bit in the night. Power went off momentarily. Set off all the alarms but Sonnyboy was in the middle of one of his big sleeps and he was not disturbed. We just had to reset things and turn a few things back on and that was that.

I am sleeping very light these days. Cooking smells wake me up. Talking wakes me up. As usual pain wakes me up and of course my bladder wakes me up. TMI? Oh well... Getting back to sleep is difficult. I get up and wander around sometimes like an old dog guarding my family. I turn off lights and make sure doors are locked. Tidy up things here and there and once satisfied all is right with Hubby and Sonnyboy drift back to my room, trample the weeds down by going around in a circle a few times before I lay down and (hopefully) return to sleep.